
Updown Court Windlesham

3. Updown Court Windlesham, Surrey, England - $110m

This courtly estate aims for a more sophisticated occupant with its ballrooms and grand entryways. Of course, the 103-room Updown Court also has all the basic amenities—a fifty-seat cinema, heated marble driveway, helipad and indoor spas, Jacuzzis and pools. If that isn’t enough for you, there are also 58 acres of gardens and woodlands.

Currently UK’s most expensive home, this 103-room property is larger than either Buckingham or Hampton Court palace and is made up of 58 acres of gardens and woodlands. A grand entrance and several ballrooms make this home a dream for sleeping beauty and the whole setting is very idyllic.


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Iqtidar Ahmed said...

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This are my blogs just look at these blogs and see how i managed them. I am not saying that i am an expert of of blogging but i can say that to get traffic you need to do very hard work.

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